
Worcester County, Massachusetts Short-Term Rental Regulation: A Guide For Airbnb Hosts

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not legal advice. Regulations could have changed since this article was published. Check local zoning authorities and consult a legal professional before making any decisions.

Worcester County, Massachusetts

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Starting a Short-Term Rental Business in Worcester County, Massachusetts

If you're planning to start a short-term rental business in Worcester, Massachusetts, it's crucial to understand the local regulations and licensing requirements. While there is no rental licensing requirement for short-term rentals in Worcester at this time, this may change once the new ordinance is finalized. The city administration has proposed draft regulations to address issues that have cropped up in some residential neighborhoods.

Under the proposal, homeowners wanting to rent any portion of their dwelling to any unrelated person for overnight stays through STR booking platforms such as Airbnb would have to obtain an annual license from the city's License Commission. The dwelling would have to comply with all applicable health, safety, building, and fire codes - both for the proposed short-term accessory rental use and the dwelling.

Licenses would be valid for one year from the date of issuance, and the fee for the license would be set based on the actual costs of processing license applications. Worcester City might have additional regulations, standards, and restrictions that apply to your listing, so it's important to do your due diligence and consult a local lawyer or tax professional.

Hosts must collect and remit all applicable state and local taxes for short-term rentals, including room occupancy tax, sales tax, and excise tax. Massachusetts imposes state, local, and community impact taxes on short-term rentals under 31 days. Intermediaries like Airbnb are responsible for collecting and remitting room occupancy taxes as of July 2019, which helps simplify tax procedures for hosts.

Hosts must carry at least $1 million in liability coverage insurance to comply with state regulations that took effect on July 1, 2019. This insurance is crucial for covering potential property damage and injury claims that may not be included under homeowner's insurance policies.

The Act provides an exemption if an operator plans on offering a short-term rental for less than 14 days in the calendar year. If this is the case, the operator must file a notice with the Commonwealth that they intend to rent their property for less than 14 days. But they still must register using the MassTaxConnect and comply with all other aspects of the law.

While the level of enforcement of short-term rental rules in Worcester and their overall friendliness towards Airbnb and other platforms is not definitively addressed in the provided search results, hosts interested in operating in Worcester should monitor the progress of the ordinance and stay informed about the latest regulations and updates to ensure compliance and maintain a positive relationship with the local community.

Short-Term Rental Licensing Requirement in Worcester County

To operate a short-term rental in Worcester County, Maryland, property owners must obtain a rental license, regardless of the length of the rental term. The licensing requirements apply to properties located within Worcester County, but not within the municipalities.

Here are the detailed requirements for each license class based on the official Worcester County website:

Class 1 (Short-Term Rentals)

  • Short-Term Rental Addendum
  • Owner's Acknowledgement and Signature Sheet
  • Detailed Floor Plans (include the measurement of every wall in each bedroom)
  • Survey or site plan of the property
  • Rental Agreement or House Rules

Class 2, 3, 7, 8 (Long-Term Rentals, Apartment Complexes, Workforce Housing)

  1. Owner's Acknowledgement and Signature Sheet
  2. Floor Plan of unit(s)
  3. Survey or Site Plan
  4. Lease Agreement

Class 4 (Mobile Home Parks and Campgrounds)

  1. Owner's Acknowledgement and Signature Sheet
  2. Site Inventory List (For each site, include the lot number and maximum number of persons permitted to occupy the site per contract)
  3. Survey or Site Plan
  4. Rental Agreement

Class 5 (Hotels, Motels, Bed & Breakfasts)

  1. Owner's Acknowledgement and Signature Sheet
  2. Room Inventory List (For each room, include room number, gross square footage, and maximum number of persons permitted in the room per contract)
  3. Survey or Site Plan
  4. Rental Agreement (Also known as a Guest Contract)

Class 6 (Vacation Rental Complexes)

  1. Short-term Rental Addendum
  2. Owner's Acknowledgement and Signature Sheet
  3. Floor Plan of Establishment
  4. Survey or Site Plan
  5. Rental Agreement or House Rules

To submit the rental license application, property owners can apply in person or via mail to the Worcester County Department of Development Review and Permitting. The applicable license fee must be made payable to "Worcester County". The licensing process may take several days, depending on the number of applications received.

Property owners offering short-term rentals without a valid rental license may face fines and penalties. The dwelling must also comply with all applicable health, safety, building, and fire codes. Additional requirements include providing one off-street parking space beyond the minimum required, maintaining records of all lodgers, and making the unit available for inspection upon request by the County.

It is crucial for STR operators in Worcester County to understand and adhere to these licensing requirements to avoid legal issues and ensure the safety and well-being of their guests and the community.

Required Documents for Worcester County, Massachusetts Short-Term Rentals

As Worcester County, Massachusetts is still in the process of developing its short-term rental ordinance, the specific required documents for operating an STR may change once the final rules are established. However, based on the proposed ordinance and general STR best practices, hosts in Worcester County should be prepared to provide the following documents:

  1. Rental License Application: If the city's proposed ordinance is adopted, homeowners wanting to rent any portion of their dwelling through services like Airbnb would need to obtain an annual license from the city's License Commission. The purpose of the license is to ensure that STRs comply with all applicable health, safety, building, and fire codes.
  2. Proof of Compliance: As part of the rental license application process, hosts may need to provide proof that their property complies with all relevant codes and regulations. This could include inspection reports, certificates of occupancy, or other documentation as specified by the city.
  3. Short-Term Rental Addendum: Some jurisdictions require hosts to provide a Short-Term Rental Addendum as part of their rental license application. This document typically outlines specific rules and requirements for STRs, such as occupancy limits, parking provisions, and safety standards.
  4. Tax Documentation: Hosts in Massachusetts must collect and remit all applicable state and local taxes for STRs, including room occupancy tax, sales tax, and excise tax. Hosts should maintain accurate records of their rental income and tax payments, as they may be required to provide this documentation to the city or state.
  5. Lease Agreement or House Rules: Hosts should have a written lease agreement or set of house rules that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental, including the maximum number of occupants allowed. This document helps ensure that guests understand and comply with the host's expectations and local regulations.

As Worcester County finalizes its STR ordinance, hosts should consult the city's official websites, such as the Department of Inspectional Services or the City Clerk's Office, for the most up-to-date information on required documents and how to obtain them. Staying informed and compliant with local regulations will be essential for running a successful and responsible STR business in Worcester County.

Worcester County, Massachusetts Short-Term Rental Taxes

When operating a short-term rental business in Worcester County, Massachusetts, it's crucial to understand the various taxes that apply to your rental income. These taxes are collected by the state and local authorities to support public services and infrastructure. Here's a breakdown of the taxes you can expect to encounter:

  1. State Room Occupancy Excise Tax: The state of Massachusetts imposes a 5.7% excise tax on all short-term rentals (stays of 31 days or less). This tax applies to the total amount of rent collected, including any cleaning fees or other charges.
  2. Local Room Occupancy Excise Tax: In addition to the state tax, cities and towns in Worcester County have the option to levy a local excise tax of up to 6% on short-term rentals. The exact percentage varies by municipality, so it's important to check with your local government to determine the applicable rate for your property.
  3. Convention Center Financing Fee: If your short-term rental is located in Worcester, you may be subject to an additional 2.75% Convention Center Financing Fee. This fee applies to all short-term rentals in the city and helps fund the operations and maintenance of the DCU Center.
  4. Community Impact Fee: While not currently implemented in Worcester County, the state law allows cities and towns to adopt a Community Impact Fee of up to 3% on short-term rentals operated by professional property managers with two or more units in the same municipality. Keep an eye on local regulations to stay informed about any potential changes.

As a short-term rental operator, you are responsible for collecting these taxes from your guests and remitting them to the appropriate authorities. However, if you use a rental platform like Airbnb, they may collect and remit the taxes on your behalf, simplifying the process.

Possible Write-Offs and Deductions

To offset some of the tax burden and maximize your profits, there are several write-offs and deductions available for short-term rental businesses:

  1. Depreciation: You can deduct the cost of your rental property over time using the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS).
  2. Rental expenses: Deductible expenses may include mortgage interest, insurance, property taxes, cleaning and maintenance fees, utilities, and other costs directly related to operating your rental business.
  3. Home office deduction: If you use a portion of your home exclusively for managing your short-term rental business, you may be able to claim a home office deduction.
  4. Advertising and marketing: Expenses related to promoting your short-term rental, such as online listings, brochures, or signage, are generally tax-deductible.

To ensure you are taking advantage of all available deductions and complying with tax regulations, it's advisable to consult with a qualified tax professional who specializes in short-term rental businesses.

By understanding the tax landscape and potential write-offs, you can better manage your short-term rental business in Worcester County, Massachusetts, and maximize your profitability while staying compliant with state and local regulations.

Massachusetts Statewide Short-Term Rental Rules

In addition to the specific regulations and requirements in Worcester County, short-term rental hosts must also comply with statewide rules in Massachusetts. These rules, effective since January 1, 2019, aim to create a more standardized and regulated short-term rental market across the state.

Registration and Licensing

All short-term rental operators in Massachusetts must register their properties with the state's Department of Revenue (DOR) and obtain a certificate of registration. This registration must be renewed annually and displayed in a visible location within the rental unit.

Hosts must also comply with any additional registration or licensing requirements set by their local municipality. For example, in Boston, hosts must register their short-term rental with the city and obtain a business certificate in addition to the state registration.

Insurance Requirements

As of July 1, 2019, short-term rental hosts in Massachusetts must carry a minimum of $1 million in liability insurance coverage. This requirement helps protect hosts and guests from potential damages or injuries that may occur during a stay.

Health and Safety Standards

Short-term rentals in Massachusetts must meet specific health and safety standards, including compliance with building codes, fire safety regulations, and sanitation requirements. Rental units must also be free from lead paint hazards, as stays under 31 days are subject to the state's Short-Term Vacation Rental Lead Paint Law.

Occupancy Limits and Zoning Restrictions

Some cities and towns in Massachusetts have implemented occupancy limits and zoning restrictions for short-term rentals. For example, in Boston, short-term rental operators must live in their accommodations for at least nine months of the year and may rent out no more than three rooms at a time.

Taxes and Fees

Short-term rental hosts in Massachusetts are responsible for collecting and remitting state and local taxes, including the state's 5.7% room occupancy excise tax and any applicable local taxes or fees. Some municipalities may also impose additional taxes or fees, such as the Convention Center Financing Fee.

Contracts and Agreements

Massachusetts allows for both written and oral contracts between short-term rental hosts and guests. However, it is generally recommended to use a written rental agreement to clearly outline the terms and conditions of the stay, including house rules, occupancy limits, and cancellation policies.

By understanding and complying with these statewide rules, in addition to the specific regulations in Worcester County, short-term rental hosts can operate their businesses legally and responsibly while providing a safe and enjoyable experience for their guests.

Does Worcester County strictly enforce STR rules?

Based on the limited information available in the provided search results, it is unclear how strictly Worcester County, Massachusetts enforces its short-term rental rules. The county is still in the process of developing an ordinance to regulate STRs, so the level of enforcement and the city's overall friendliness towards platforms like Airbnb is yet to be determined once the new rules are finalized.

However, Worcester County, Maryland (a different jurisdiction) does require rental licenses for all properties offered for rent, regardless of the length of the rental term. The county's Department of Development Review and Permitting accepts rental license applications in person or via mail, and the process may take several days depending on the number of applications received. This suggests that Worcester County, Maryland takes its rental regulations seriously and has a process in place to review and approve license applications.

While some cities like Boston, Cambridge, and Salem in Massachusetts have STR ordinances in place, Worcester is still developing its own rules. Under the proposed ordinance, homeowners wanting to rent any portion of their dwelling through services like Airbnb would need to obtain an annual license from the city's License Commission and ensure the property complies with all applicable health, safety, building, and fire codes.

As Worcester finalizes its STR ordinance, it will be important for hosts to monitor the progress and understand the specific requirements and enforcement mechanisms. Adhering to the rules, once established, will be crucial for maintaining a positive relationship with the city and avoiding potential fines or penalties.

Overall, while Worcester County, Massachusetts' approach to enforcing STR rules is still evolving, the example of Worcester County, Maryland shows that some jurisdictions do take rental regulations seriously and have processes in place to ensure compliance. Hosts should stay informed about their local laws and be prepared to follow the rules to operate successfully in their market.

How to Start a Short-Term Rental Business in Worcester County, Massachusetts

Starting a short-term rental business in Worcester County, Massachusetts can be a rewarding venture. However, it's crucial to follow the proper steps to ensure compliance with local regulations and set yourself up for success. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Research local regulations: Before investing in a property or listing your existing home, thoroughly research the short-term rental regulations in Worcester County and the specific city or town where your property is located. Understand zoning laws, licensing requirements, and any restrictions on the number of days you can rent your property.
  2. Choose a suitable property: Consider factors such as location, size, amenities, and target audience when selecting a property for your short-term rental business. Properties near popular tourist attractions, business districts, or universities often have high demand. Ensure the property complies with local zoning laws and building codes.
  3. Register your business: Register your short-term rental business with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) online. You must register regardless of the number of days you plan to rent your property annually. If you intend to rent for 14 days or less, notify the DOR during registration to avoid collecting taxes.
  4. Obtain necessary permits and licenses: Apply for any required permits or licenses from the Worcester County Department of Development Review and Permitting. This may include a rental license, which ensures your property meets health, safety, and building codes. Prepare to submit documents such as a detailed floor plan, site plan, and rental agreement.
  5. Prepare your property:Furnish and equip your rental property to provide a comfortable and inviting experience for guests. Invest in quality furniture, linens, and amenities that cater to your target audience. Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture appealing images of your property for your listing.
  6. Create a detailed listing:Craft an attractive and informative listing on popular short-term rental platforms like Airbnb or Vrbo. Include high-quality photos, a compelling description, and a list of amenities and nearby attractions. Be transparent about house rules, occupancy limits, and any unique features or restrictions.
  7. Set competitive rates: Research the rates of similar properties in your area to determine a competitive pricing strategy. Consider factors such as seasonality, events, and demand when setting your rates. Utilize dynamic pricing tools to automatically adjust rates based on market conditions.
  8. Implement a management system: Establish an efficient system for managing bookings, guest communication, cleaning, and maintenance. Consider using vacation rental software to streamline operations and provide a seamless experience for guests. Respond promptly to inquiries and maintain a high level of communication throughout the booking process.
  9. Comply with tax obligations: Familiarize yourself with the tax requirements for short-term rentals in Massachusetts, including state and local room occupancy taxes, sales taxes, and excise taxes. Set up a system to accurately collect and remit taxes to the appropriate authorities.
  10. Promote your listing: Utilize various marketing channels to promote your short-term rental and attract bookings. Leverage social media, create a website, and consider partnering with local businesses or tourism boards. Encourage satisfied guests to leave positive reviews, as they can significantly influence future bookings.

By following these steps and staying informed about local regulations, you'll be well-positioned to launch and grow a successful short-term rental business in Worcester County, Massachusetts. Remember to prioritize guest satisfaction, maintain open communication, and adapt to changes in the market to ensure long-term success.

Who to Contact in Worcester County, Massachusetts about Short-Term Rental Regulations and Zoning?

If you have questions or concerns about short-term rental regulations and zoning in Worcester County, Massachusetts, there are several resources available to assist you:

Worcester Department of Inspectional Services: This department is responsible for enforcing building, housing, and sanitary codes in the city of Worcester. They can provide information on rental licensing requirements and property inspections.

  • Address: 25 Meade Street, Worcester, MA 01610
  • Phone: (508) 799-1198
  • Email:
  • Website:

Worcester Division of Planning & Regulatory Services: This division oversees zoning and land use regulations in the city. They can provide guidance on zoning requirements for short-term rentals.

  • Address: City Hall, 455 Main Street, Room 404, Worcester, MA 01608
  • Phone: (508) 799-1400
  • Email:
  • Website:

Massachusetts Department of Revenue: For questions related to registering your short-term rental and collecting state taxes, contact the Department of Revenue.

  • Phone: (617) 887-6400
  • Website:

In addition to these official resources, short-term rental hosts in Worcester County may find support and advice from local host communities and online forums:

Worcester Airbnb Hosts Facebook Group: This private Facebook group is a platform for Airbnb hosts in the Worcester area to connect, share experiences, and discuss local regulations. You can request to join the group at

Massachusetts Airbnb Hosts Forum on BiggerPockets: BiggerPockets is a popular real estate investing platform that includes forums for short-term rental hosts. The Massachusetts Airbnb Hosts Forum is a great place to ask questions and learn from experienced hosts in the state. Visit to join the conversation.

Airbnb Community Center: Airbnb's official Community Center includes a dedicated forum for hosts in Massachusetts. Here, you can connect with other local hosts, ask questions, and stay updated on the latest news and regulations affecting short-term rentals in the state. Check it out at

By utilizing these resources and engaging with the local host community, you can ensure that you have the most up-to-date information on short-term rental regulations and zoning in Worcester County, Massachusetts.

What Do Airbnb Hosts in Worcester County on Reddit and Bigger Pockets Think about Local Regulations?

While there are limited specific discussions about Worcester County's short-term rental regulations on platforms like Reddit and Bigger Pockets, some insights can be gleaned from hosts' experiences in Massachusetts and their general sentiments towards local regulations.

Massachusetts Hosting - Yay or Nay?

In this thread, a prospective host inquires about the feasibility of starting an Airbnb in Falmouth, Massachusetts, given the state's regulations. A Massachusetts host responds, highlighting the stricter law passed in 2019 and the potential challenges with taxes and insurance requirements, particularly in Cape Cod. The host suggests that long-term rentals might be a simpler option, as hosting can be time-consuming and each guest brings different challenges.

This discussion indicates that some hosts find Massachusetts' regulations, especially in certain counties, to be a potential barrier to entry or a source of added complexity when operating a short-term rental.

Help! I don't know what to do. Property is gross [Worcester, MA]

In this Reddit post, a guest shares their negative experience with a short-term rental in Worcester, MA, describing the property as filthy and poorly maintained. The comments offer advice on how to handle the situation, such as documenting the issues, contacting Airbnb support, and requesting a refund.

One commenter notes that "As long as AirBnB doesn't set transparent minimum standards that are verified/inspected on a regular basis, Marriott and even the cheapest motels don't have to worry. This kind of stuff hurts every AirBnB host and the brand itself."

While this post focuses on a guest's perspective, it underscores the importance of maintaining high standards and the potential impact of subpar listings on the overall reputation of short-term rentals in the area. It also suggests that some hosts believe that stricter platform-enforced standards could benefit the industry as a whole.

These discussions, although not exhaustive, provide a glimpse into the experiences and opinions of Airbnb hosts in Worcester County and Massachusetts more broadly. They suggest that hosts navigate a complex landscape of local regulations, platform policies, and guest expectations, with some finding the requirements challenging or burdensome. However, they also highlight the importance of maintaining quality standards and the potential benefits of clearer, more consistent regulations for both hosts and guests.

Disclaimer: While we here at BNBCalc strive to keep all of our regulation guides updated and accurate with all the latest local laws, we still do not suggest using them as your sole or primary source for local regulations. We also do not recommend you rely on the third-party sources we link to or reference, and we are not responsible for any of the information on these third-party sites. These guides are for entertainment purposes only and only provide basic information and should not be considered as legal advice.

We highly recommend directly contacting the responsible parties for each and hearing what their officials have to say. Ultimately, it's your responsibility as an investor to ensure you fully comply with the local laws, and it's best to speak with professionals before making an investment decision.

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