
Unlocking Investment Potential: A Guide to Rental Properties in Blair County, PA

Blair County, PA

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Investing in rental properties can be a lucrative endeavor if approached with careful consideration and strategic planning. One of the most critical factors in this investment is choosing the right property in the right location. The location of a rental property significantly influences its potential for generating income, appreciating in value, and attracting quality tenants. Blair County, PA, offers a variety of neighborhoods with unique attributes and potential for investment. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the best neighborhoods in Blair County, grading each on convenience, tourist attractions, things to do, average home prices, return on investment, proximity to work-related travel, and the ‘x-factor’ that makes each area unique.

Best Neighborhoods and Areas in Blair County, PA

1. Altoona


  • Convenience: A
  • Tourist Attractions: B+
  • Things to Do: B
  • Avg Home Prices: B
  • Return on Investment: A-
  • Proximity to Work-Related Travel: A
  • X-Factor: A

Convenience Altoona offers a high level of convenience with its well-developed infrastructure. It has excellent access to shopping centers, schools, healthcare facilities, and public transportation. The city's layout makes it easy for residents to navigate and access essential services.

Tourist Attractions While Altoona is not a primary tourist destination, it has notable attractions such as the Railroaders Memorial Museum and Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark. These sites attract history buffs and railway enthusiasts, contributing to the local tourism economy.

Things to Do Altoona provides a variety of recreational activities including parks, restaurants, and cultural events. The presence of Lakemont Park and DelGrosso’s Amusement Park adds to the family-friendly entertainment options available.

Average Home Prices The average home price in Altoona is moderately priced, making it an attractive option for investors. The housing market is stable, with properties available at reasonable prices that promise good returns.

Return on Investment Altoona’s rental market is robust, with high demand for rental properties, particularly among young professionals and families. The return on investment is strong due to the affordable property prices and consistent rental income.

Proximity to Work-Related Travel Altoona is strategically located near major highways and has a well-connected public transportation system, making it convenient for work-related travel. The presence of UPMC Altoona, a major healthcare provider, also adds to its appeal for medical professionals.

X-Factor Altoona’s unique blend of historical significance, family-friendly attractions, and convenient amenities make it a highly desirable location for rental property investment. The city’s ongoing development projects promise continued growth and appreciation in property values.

2. Hollidaysburg


  • Convenience: B+
  • Tourist Attractions: B
  • Things to Do: B+
  • Avg Home Prices: B-
  • Return on Investment: B+
  • Proximity to Work-Related Travel: B+
  • X-Factor: B+

Convenience Hollidaysburg offers a quieter lifestyle with good access to essential services such as grocery stores, schools, and healthcare facilities. The town's layout is pedestrian-friendly, making it easy for residents to get around.

Tourist Attractions Hollidaysburg is known for its charming downtown area, historic buildings, and the Canal Basin Park. These attractions draw visitors interested in history and small-town charm.

Things to Do Residents and visitors can enjoy various local shops, dining options, and community events. The town also offers outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing in nearby parks and natural areas.

Average Home Prices Home prices in Hollidaysburg are slightly higher than in Altoona, but still affordable for investors. The town's real estate market is stable, with properties that appeal to both buyers and renters.

Return on Investment Hollidaysburg has a solid rental market with steady demand, particularly among families and retirees. The return on investment is promising due to the town's desirable living conditions and stable property values.

Proximity to Work-Related Travel Hollidaysburg is well-connected to major highways, providing easy access to neighboring cities and work-related travel. The proximity to Altoona and its amenities further enhances its appeal.

X-Factor Hollidaysburg’s historical charm, combined with a peaceful small-town atmosphere, makes it a unique and attractive option for renters and investors. Its strong sense of community and picturesque setting add to its desirability.

3. Tyrone


  • Convenience: B
  • Tourist Attractions: B-
  • Things to Do: B
  • Avg Home Prices: A-
  • Return on Investment: B+
  • Proximity to Work-Related Travel: B
  • X-Factor: B

Convenience Tyrone provides essential amenities such as grocery stores, schools, and healthcare facilities within a compact area. The town is easy to navigate, offering a convenient lifestyle for residents.

Tourist Attractions Tyrone has fewer tourist attractions compared to Altoona and Hollidaysburg, but it offers local points of interest like Reservoir Park and the historic railroad station.

Things to Do Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and community events. The town has a selection of local restaurants and shops that contribute to its charm.

Average Home Prices Home prices in Tyrone are among the most affordable in Blair County, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious investors. The low entry cost presents a significant opportunity for high returns.

Return on Investment Tyrone’s affordable property prices and stable rental demand provide a good return on investment. The town attracts a mix of young professionals, families, and retirees.

Proximity to Work-Related Travel While not as well-connected as Altoona, Tyrone still offers reasonable access to major highways and neighboring cities. Commuting is manageable for residents who work in nearby areas.

X-Factor Tyrone’s affordability and small-town charm make it a unique investment opportunity. Its tranquil setting and friendly community appeal to a broad range of renters, enhancing its investment potential.

4. Martinsburg


  • Convenience: B-
  • Tourist Attractions: C+
  • Things to Do: C+
  • Avg Home Prices: B
  • Return on Investment: B
  • Proximity to Work-Related Travel: B-
  • X-Factor: C+

Convenience Martinsburg offers basic amenities such as local shops, schools, and healthcare facilities. While not as bustling as larger towns, it provides a comfortable lifestyle for residents.

Tourist Attractions Martinsburg is known for its rural charm and agricultural heritage. It has limited tourist attractions, with highlights including local farms and scenic countryside.

Things to Do Recreational activities in Martinsburg are centered around outdoor pursuits such as hiking, fishing, and community events. The town has a few local restaurants and shops.

Average Home Prices Home prices in Martinsburg are reasonable, making it an affordable option for investors. The real estate market is stable, with properties that appeal to a range of buyers and renters.

Return on Investment Martinsburg offers a steady return on investment, with consistent demand for rental properties. The town attracts families and retirees seeking a quiet, rural lifestyle.

Proximity to Work-Related Travel Martinsburg is somewhat isolated but still accessible via major highways. Commuting to nearby towns and cities is feasible, though it may require longer travel times.

X-Factor Martinsburg’s rural setting and agricultural heritage give it a unique appeal. Its peaceful atmosphere and scenic surroundings make it a desirable location for those seeking a quieter lifestyle.


Investing in rental properties in Blair County, PA, presents a range of opportunities, each with its unique attributes and potential benefits. Altoona offers the highest convenience and return on investment, making it a top choice for investors. Hollidaysburg provides historical charm and a strong sense of community, while Tyrone offers affordability and a tranquil setting. Martinsburg, with its rural charm, appeals to those seeking a quieter lifestyle. By carefully considering these factors, investors can unlock the full potential of rental properties in Blair County and make informed decisions that align with their investment goals.

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