208 26th Ave S Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 29577-4720
4 bed • 4 bath • 12 guests
Purchase Price
Est. $2,302/mo
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Annual Revenue
Occupancy Rate
Top 101% of comparables
Avg Daily Rate
Top 101% of comparables
Investment Value Over Time
Property Appreciation
Revenue Appreciation
Cash on Cash Return
Cap Rate
Tax Calculator (USA)
Your current annual income
Your income tax rate
Taxes paid on $150,000
If you buy this investment property, your est deduction will be...
Deductible mortgage interest
Deductible property tax
Your total deduction
Your adjusted annual income
$150,000 - $27,252 = $122,748
Taxes on $122,748 (30%)
Your old tax bill
Your new tax bill
Estimated tax savings
Maximize the depreciation value on your tax returns. Get $50 off cost segregation reports with code BNBCALC at DIYCostSeg.com